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Christmas Eve Eve

Well, in keeping with family tradition....I spent the day with family today. We always have Christmas with the grandparents, the sunday before Christmas. So today we did. And I ate enough today to last for the rest of the year!!!! Ok, so in all honesty I didn't eat that much....I'm just not used to eating that much in a day...
I had a blast though...we had a 4 hour "jam session" with Danny and Tom...so yeah, I had a good day. On a more sour note...my knees are still REALLY disgusting...and VERY painful. Looks like I have a month or two with no riding, no running, and no skating. So that rules out MOST of my sports for a while! Needless to say I am a little ticked...but what can ya do?

The past 12 days.....

Ok...so yeah, I know, I'm a slacker! I have been spending a lot of time on the road for the last few weeks....a 3 hour commute everyday gets to be a little overwhelming at times. Everyone keeps asking me why I don't just move back to Raleigh...but that is a long story....not meant for this blog. Between working, driving, running, and slingin' iron....I, unfortunately have very little ME time. I have been working out...it's the holiday season....I have to look smashing in all of my formal wear! I think that this year may bring some changes...I am looking for a location change...time to really start training...It's what I love. I'm going back to Weaver rd on Christmas day...hopefully it will be cold and dry...but it's NC, so we won't hold our breath. Ok...I have more to say...but I am way too tired, and I still need to get up to WO before I go to church..

One Love


So after last night....

And all of it's twists and turns....looooooooooong story.....
I am having trouble sleeping....so what have I been doing???? I'll give you 3 guesses... Yep Clean and jerks....at midnight...something is seriously wrong with me...hahaha.

I have the day off tomorrow...so I think I may head out to weaver rd for some climbing....gotta love secret climbing spots....


Pressed for time...

Today is one of those days when everything goes wrong! haha
I need YET AGAIN a new tire...and of course...mine have to be the hard to find tires. I was trying to squeeze by and see Steve while he was in NC, but maybe next time. So today my workout has been slinging tires, slinging feed, and pull-ups....pull ups make me happy! So my workout will be short and to the point today. Ok...being a grown-up is calling...time to get to work.


Back in for the night...

Tonight was the best climbing night I have had in years!! 2 4's and a 5!!!! Along with a few various 2's and 3's. Granted it was on plastic...but Shane sets decent routes, and for the most part, grades fairly. The 5 was marked as a 6 (I thought it said V0) so maybe I am just afraid of the numbers and not the problems! Needless to say that I was STUNNED, I've been stuck with V3 as my max grade for quite sometime now.... I guess dropping 15 lbs helps. I'm down to 118 right now, but still strong..so I am liking this..think I may hit up Dorks after work tomorrow night for some late night...maybe work a couple problems...we'll see.
My side is still a little sore (probably shouldn't have climbed) but I used some of that voodoo magic many of you know as Z to help loosen some things up and I feel GREAT!
Long day tomorrow....gotta get up and train with the sun...sleep sweet ya'll.


Taking a day "off"


squat 155 3x15
MP 16kg 1x1x15
pull up bw 3x15
300 swings 16kg 10 minutes

not bad for 25 minutes
Then I rode a bit...too bad I got smashed into a tree...
I have some swelling and tenderness just above my left hip to show for a bucking horse and slick spot (horse fell and pinned me to a tree)....but I think it's just a bruise....we'll see tomorrow, at least it only hurts to the touch.

let's see how climbing goes tonight....we have a shoe demo so I get new shoes...
I love being a chick!


Letting my knees rest.....

The past couple of months have had me really struggling with who I am. I have filled my life with a thousand different ways to forget. I have loved people. I have been in love with one person....now I am learning how to fall in love with myself. I have to love me....not for what I can press....or how many snatches I can do in 10 minutes. I have to love me...not for my 6 pack...but even if that 6pack turns to a keg. I am starting a love affair...with myself....but hey...it does help to have the 6 pack!!

Ok....off I go....I have to finish work...and get ready.....

I'm even wearing a dress tonight!